Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Ever!

Well, here I am, typing my first ever blog first. I didn’t think that I would ever reach the point where I would want to write a blog. There are several reasons for this:
1. I don’t like to read other people’s blogs. I guess that I thought I would feel guilty for writing a blog that I hoped others would read, when I never intended to return the favor. I really just don’t like being a hypocrite. Since this is my first post and you are getting to know me, that is probably something that you will see me bring up a lot.
2. I feel that people use blogs as a way to fill their 15 minutes of fame. I’ve read a few blogs where it just seemed as if the authors were trying to make something out of nothing, just to feel like they were more important than they really were. And yet here I am starting a blog where I am going to share what I feel is a unique view on politics… looks like I still need to work on that hypocrite thing huh?
Anyway, I could go on and on about the reasons why I never wanted to write a blog, but I imagine that by now you may be asking yourself what could have possibly caused me to change my mind. Well, there have just been a lot of things that have come up in my life recently that have made me feel like my voice needs to be heard. After all, we are a country whose government was designed around the motto “We the People,” are we not?
I have always been interested in politics and have been looking for a way to enter that crazy world. I guess that I finally feel that now is the time, and this is the way.
I promised myself that this post would be short, and so far I am lying. But since this is the first ever post, let me just clue you in on what you can expect from me. I have no party affiliation, and I feel strongly that our country’s bipartisan government is a detriment to us all. It is for this very reason that I feel that I have such a unique perspective. I don’t support extremists from either party (i.e. Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Keith Olbermann, etc). I like to get as much information on an issue as I can, and so I enjoy hearing opinions that are different from my own. I really believe that so many Americans get so stuck in either the Democratic or Republican mentality that it blinds them from really understanding what is going on. You have my promise that I will always be willing to have civil discussions on any issue. Please feel free to comment as well!
In the coming weeks and months, you can also expect me to talk about what issues have caused me to start this blog. First up will be the healthcare reform, as that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. Anyway, until next time, farewell!


  1. I am excited to see what else you are going to put on here Lance! Should be fun from a non-blogger.

  2. Nicely Put Lance. I myself like to cling to the middle ground as I feel it affords a view of the bigger picture. As far as Glen Beck, I believe he doesn't pertain to either party and considers himself libertarian but is still very conservative in his views. Just an FYI.

  3. Oh Ron I think that you're right. But even as a Libertarian, I still consider him to be an extremist. He does make some good points, but he'll do anything to be a shock-and-awe showman, and so I just can't bring myself to believe everything that he says.

  4. I might have to stop by your blog every once in a while. I myself don't affiliate strongly with either party, though I'm a staunch political junkie with a jumbled fiscal-conservative-pseudo-libertarian stance. I'm interested in seeing what you have to say about the current round of healh care "reform". Keep it up!

  5. You definitely should be a blogger. You love to talk, and people like to hear what you have to say. Good for you, Lance. I'll be checking in from time to time.
